MISTC annual site visit was conducted by Activity Manager Ms. Roslyn Soto at the BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute [BGCCCI]. The visit was hosted on behalf of the City University of New York-BCC Campus, by the Principal Investigator of the BCC and MEC- CUNY college partnership Dr. Sunil Bhaskaran and Dr. Christopher Boxe from Medgar Evers College. Other attendees were Matthew Pearce from Educational Office [EO] NASA New York Office, Dr. Leo Gafney and BGCCCI team. Professor Ratan Dhar was ivited as a guest to attend the proceedings. A detailed run down of activities hosted by BGCCCI and MEC-CUNY were presented by both Drs. Sunil and Chris. This was followed by a presentation on data metrics and reporting by BGCCCI team. Dr. Leo Gafney highlighted and spoke about the evaluation model and success of the program so far. Matthew Pearce described the opportunities to collaborate and commended Drs Sunil and Boxe and BGCCCI and MEC teams for outstanding efforts. Professor Dhar provided a quick overview of the NSF-ATE program and recent STEM research conducted in Moldova. The event was graced by Dr. Luis Montenegro Interim Provost of CUNY-BCC who commended efforts by the BGCCCI team and committed assistance and support to the program. Ms. Soto observed the NASA sponsored ten [10] day professional development program for educators conducted by Dr. John Lauermann and spoke to all participants. Ms. Soto also spoke to the Summer Workforce Interns from high schools and motivated them to participate n NASA led national initiatives. Mathew Pearce spoke about many NASA initiatives for educators and participants from schools. Matthew also spoke with the PDP participants and interacted with research interns at BGCCCI. Dr. Sunil proposed a vote of thanks for Ms. Roslyn on behalf of Dr Boxe and MEC-CUNY team.