At times when Universities and institutions are struggling to deliver quality education in the distance learning mode, The BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute [BGCCCI] is conducting inquiry based geospatial workshops in the cloud by using fully managed powerful streaming services. From decoding the anatomy of multi-resolution high resolution satellite data to performing advanced Anamoly detection high achievers from universities around New York and New Jersey regions are participating in these workshops [1-22nd June, 2020]. They use scalable, durable, secure and easily transportable storage systems to access large datasets for completing hands-on exercises. By using a combination of powerful cloud providers and analytical software they are acquiring advanced image analyses techniques. The geospatial workshops expose and train participants and are focused on creating pool of Skilled Technicians in emerging fields. They are supported by the National Science Foundation's- Advanced Technological Education [NSF-ATE], National Aeronautical Space Administration's-MISTC [NASA-MISTC] program, an industry consortium lead by L3 Harris Geospatial, and leading cloud providers - Amazon Web Services. The NSF-ATE program Pathways to Geospatial Technology and Careers is bringing together participants from all ethnic backgrounds and getting them to focus on what matters to America - 'Maintaining our Leadership in Technology and Emerging Fields'.